Have you ever driven to or from work and thought "Why am I doing this?" I think it is something that happens to everyone. We all have bad days sometimes, but as teachers there are so many contributing factors that make our bad days worse. Some of these things include being severely under paid, lack of respect and discipline in today's youth, and little to no support from parents.
I feel very fortunate to be at school where I am supported by both parents and staff. A school where my students are respectful, and where I am genuinely happy to be. Yet, even I sometimes fall victim to those days where I question the choices I have made that led me here. Typically, I question it on days like today: Sunday.
I often come into my classroom on Sundays, like right now. I don't have to come in, and many people think I am crazy for doing it, but sometimes I just need that extra day to organize, grade, plan, or prep without any distractions. Sundays give me that, but the cost is less time at home and when I'm here alone in my classroom on Sundays, I start to question. If I sometimes wonder why I am here (and I love my school and job because of the staff, students, and parents), I can only imagine how others feel with less desirable teaching conditions. This brings me to what keeps me here: The Bad File.

When I was student teaching in 2010, I had a wonderful Master Teacher. She told me that there would be days in this profession where I would question myself and my choices to become a teacher. To prepare me, she had those students start my Bad Day File. They made little notes and pictures for me. My Master Teacher, Alisa, said throughout the school years, students always give you little things, and that I should keep them to help remind me why I am here. This was probably some of the best advice I have ever been given.
I have kept up my bad day file since I student taught with Alisa, and on days like today, I pull it out and look at some of the things students have given me over the years. This is what reminds me. They, my students, are the reasons I'm here. They are the reasons I do everything I do in this profession, and that makes it worth it to me.
So, if you have one of those days when you question what you are doing and why you are doing it, look back on some of those things students have left on your desk. Save them! I know we sometimes feel like all our hard work goes unnoticed, but if even one student thanks you...well, then you know at least one person has noticed.
I ended up putting some of the notes and pictures in a scrap book. |
I love looking through this book. |
Everything in it always makes me smile. |
I guess that makes my Bad Day File successful :)
When you are down and feeling blue,
and questioning what it is you do,
take out this file and look inside.
You'll be overjoyed by the love you find.